The Fashionable Cheetah, The Meter of It All, and Public Movement

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Finally, we close with brief comments on The Fashionable Cheetah The Meter of It All, and Public Movement.  First, after over a decade dedicated to denim fashion, there appears a shift consumer tastes.  Women have begun to purchase clothing with neon, plaid, and animal prints.  This shift to a more fashionable look is similar to shifts seen late in other economic cycles as a wholesale changeover in wardrobe occurs.  With this shift in the look, we should all be seeing The Fashionable Cheetah all over. Second, municipalities finally have loosened their purse strings after a decade of repairing balance sheets. According to data from Badger Metter, municipal water meter sales are up over 10% year over year.  For municipalities, it is The Meter of It All. And Third, public sector Non-Residential Construction started to soar this year.  Spending rose 14% year over year according to the latest data from the Census Bureau.  With the approved spending finally finishing the approval process, we expect more and more Public Movement.



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